Thursday 7 March 2013

Upcoming Test & Assignment 2 - Slog #6

Now that we have wrapped up the introduction to proofs, I can confidently admit that proofs are fun to tackle. Surely, it takes sometime to understand and decide whether to prove or disprove the statement. Even when that's all figured out, the challenge was actually writing up the "body" of the proof. In my group, we extensively attempted direct proof, indirect proof and contrapositive to conjure up a sensible solution. Oppose to watching the professor write the proofs and unanimously agreeing, this assignment was great practice in independently building up my proofs. Although I found the majority of the questions to be fair, my group oddly stumbled on question 1. The difficulty arises from transitioning a single inequality (such as a < b)
to a transitive inequality (a < b < c).

As for the next term test, I'm quite worry since I tend to linger on a question longer than time provided. Especially with the topic of complexity. Tutorial was useful in helping us determine the number of steps of a program.For instance, we were told that for every +,-, =, >, <, [], while, and, len operations, a extra 1 step is carried out. Using summation to determine the general equation of steps takes sometime but it's not too difficult. What I'm more worried about is writing the asymptotic proofs.

1 comment:

  1. Well question 1 of the assignment was not to prove something like a<b implies a<b<c, but a<b implies a<c<b. The order is different.

    Anyways, I hope you have eventually figured things out about the assignment and you did well in the term test!
