Tuesday 19 March 2013

Reminiscing Pre/Post Test - Slog #7

In honest truth, I had initially feared that we'll be tested on proving/disproving limits (epsilon and delta proofs) since there were very few examples provided.

An example from the lecture:
∀ϵ ∈ R+, ∃ δ ∈ R+, ∀ y ∈ R, | y - π | -> |y^2 - π^2| < ϵ

To my understanding, (I hope) this means:
"For all epsilon, there exist a delta so that for all y is δ units of π implying that  
lim       y^2 = π^2
x -> π
As to providing the "body" of the proof, it's still a very vague topic and I hope through further practice and possibly future visits to office hours, this could be clear up. 

To my relief, I found the term test to be relatively fair since it incorporated proofs similar to the ones from the lecture and tutorials. When the solutions came out, I was stunned that the third question concerning "floor" was much easier than what I wrote down.

In essence,  I become worrisome before testing, and even more worried post-test while waiting for the marks.

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