Monday 18 February 2013

Term Test Results - Slog #5

As the week wrapped up and we move onto Reading Week, I am quite satisfied with how I did on the term test. As always after I write a test, I usually think pessimistically about the results to come. In a weird and convoluted way, having the mindset that I would fail usually gives me more motivation to study harder. In honest truth, I wasn't so confident while writing my answers down. In particular, there were uncertainties as to whether my explanations for question 1(b) was sufficient. Now that results are in, my lengthy but correct answers could have been shorten by referring to it`s negation instead of just listing all the examples or counter-examples. This could have saved me quite a bit of time that could have been invested into another question. But what`s done is done. So next time I should go in with a calm mind and be more observant with what the tools and knowledge I could use.

As for this week's lectures, we discussed more about proving different types of statements. Reassured by my TA, it's nice that we receive a large portion (40% was it?) of our marks from just writing the proof structure. For many of the proof structures there's a technique as to how you write it. 
If it is existential quantification such as ∃ x ∈ D, then we  write "Let x = ___. Then x ∈ D".
If it is a  universal quantification such as ∀x∈D, we write "Assume x in D".
I also noticed that most of the actual body of the proofs contain a lot of manipulation of mathematical expression and some background knowledge of their definitions.

Friday 8 February 2013

Stressful Week - Slog #4

With the snowstorm and a week full of midterms, I'm glad it's finally over.
Initially, I had the impression that the term test would be difficult considering that an aid sheet was allowed. Instead, I thought it wasn't too difficult or easy; it was fair. Taking time into account, it was difficult to browse through the sheet. Overall, in my opinion, a lot of the content I wrote were useless since the test mostly pertained to list comprehensions and symbolism. Indeed, it`s great practice writing the sheet as you're basically reviewing all the concepts before actually taking the test thus it would greatly increasing the chances of being able to formulate the answer without aid.

As we wrap up logical notation, it seems easier now with more practice as oppose to my impression of it in January. But now, proofs worry me. 
As for the recent lectures, the proof structure seems straight forward. At this point, the only difficulties are formulating the body of the proof. For instance, during lectures we prove that something is odd by referring to the definition of 2k + 1. Yes this is true but I doubt I'll be able to come up with the actual "arguments"  for much harder proofs.

Now, as we anticipate the marks of our midterms, I hope I did well (?). Even it doesn't turn out to be my best, I'll just have to prepare more next time.